Welcome to our H'OMe
Yoga Welcomes EveryBODY
Jo-Anne is keen to pay special attention to alignment, safety and honours individual student abilities. Jo-Anne does her best to create a positive experience through individual attention to student’s needs, and hopes to create an environment where students feel comfortable and at ease.
Most classes can accommodate all levels of student experience & understanding.
If you are new to the studio, or new to yoga in general and are unsure of which class to join, please get in touch with
Jo-Anne to help guide you to a class or offering that may suit your needs.
What's happening...
February's schedule is now posted and ready for registration.
"Yoga @ Home" recordings & Events Calendar posted below
Our "Yogazebo" made its debut summer 2024 and classes will resume back there again in 2025 once the weather is suitable. This rustic, timber framed screened in platform is nestled in the forest right at the river. Still to come in 2025 a new fully equipped off-grid studio, expanded services & wellness options, and will in the future have sleeping accommodations for yoga & wellness retreats.
Please stay tuned for more updates as our plans progress for our new H'OMe.
Our new site is situated within 27 acres of hardwood forest connected to the Salmon River.
We're now on site building our home, out buildings and energy within this peaceful setting connected to the river.
If you are a member of the website and have an active yoga class pass, you'll be given access to the "live class recordings" pages. Log in and navigate to the "class recordings" page. Any of the classes that have been audio recorded are available to listen to either by downloading or by streaming directly from the page.
Yoga means "union"
At the studio, Jo-Anne infuses yogic knowledge not just relating to poses (asana) and breath (pranayama), but also allows the knowledge to translate into students everyday lives. Offering tips on how to bring the lessons we learn while enjoying our asana practice into daily life.
Identifying stressors, habit patterns, limiting beliefs, rigid thoughts, fears, passions, goals and more, all while immersed in a breath lead practice. Learning tools to bring yoga off of our mats and into our daily lives is all a part of the learning process that can be discovered while enjoying yoga experiences through
Live Love Laugh Do Yoga with Jo-Anne
Not only do we offer a wide variety of class styles (gentle hatha, hatha, vinyasa, yin, restorative, power, stability ball), each class experience is different. Jo-Anne enjoys creating classes on the fly incorporating the needs of the students present in the class from their daily experience - making each class unique and relevant.
Come and experience it - let's learn together!